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Heart on the Haskaps
Reasons you should be eating Haskaps
Haskap berries have the highest antioxidant levels among berries at 21,647. They also have one of the highest amount of Vitamin A found in fruits, with 60% of your daily values.
Smiles and Haskaps go hand in hand
The truth about Haskaps
Haskap is the Japanese name given to the edible blue honeysuckle fruit plant native to boreal forests. The name means “berry of long life and good vision”.
Verger du Terroir orchard
Located in New Liskeard, Ontario
The orchard has approximately 20,000 haskap plants and 5,000 cherry bushes. Both fruits have varieties that are suited to our northern climate and are cross-pollinating plants.
Sweet Haskap jelly
A quick dessert
Sometimes you need a little sweetness after a meal, or you may be craving that evening treat. Put haskap berries on everything!
Haskap Smoothies
Drink your Haskaps
Sometimes you only want a healthy drink. Replace a meal with healthy, nutritious smoothie or juice.
Haskap yogurt parfait
A special breakfast
Make a decadent and healthy choice with haskap yogurt parfaits and homemade waffles.